Machine Learning Updates and Links (May 2019)

1. I recently taught AI Saturdays Nairobi about DEViSE (Deep visual-semantic embedding) methods, which can be useful in visual image search, dataset curation, semantic image search, and [possibly] blocking movie spoilers you'd rather not see..? Notebook is available here: devise-food101-v2.ipynb.

2. In April, I participated in the inaugural AI4D (AI for Development) network of excellence in Artificial Intelligence for Sub-Saharan Africa. See updates from the event here: AI4D-SSA.

3. Sign up to participate in the Omdena AI Challenge! See the details here: Omdena AI Challenge.

4. Nairobi Women in Machine Learning and Data Science is holding an event in June to encourage people to contribute to critical infra in ML. This time it's scikit-learn: Scikit-Learn Sprint (contribute to open source).
